How to Get Free RDP Account (Free Rdp Account List 2021) –Network, as well as computer, make use of platforms gotten through technology. For individuals that own any form of Microsoft OS or Windows, the remote network depends on the Remote Desktop Protocol otherwise known as RDP.
Generally, this provides a network protocol that is secure thereby allowing communication between user and server. For a user to access the network, he needs to own an RDP account because this would allow entry from the administrator or server.
Yet, most people may need to know how to get a Free USA RDP Username and Password in 2021
What is RDP?
The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) makes it possible for employees to connect to their work desktop computer when they work remotely.
Benefits of RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
👉 Flexibility — You no longer have to be chained to your office desk to finish a given task or a project. With the remote desktop protocol, you can do given tasks while working inside the comforts of your home. This leaves you free to attend to your work duties and obligations outside the office.
👉 Speed — If you’re an IT help pro and you have to attend to a computer issue by a client whose location is five miles away from you, then you might want to consider using a remote desktop. With this technology, you can just immediately fix their issues from your own site without needing to take an hour or so to drive to your client’s area.
👉 Accessibility — Employees who like to work out of cafes, parks, and even libraries can accomplish given tasks using the remote desktop protocol. As long as they have an efficient remote desktop connection manager and an internet connection, they can still beat deadlines and meet business requirements even if they’re sitting in their hotel room for a quick vacation getaway.
👉 Savings — Instead of investing in office essentials such as chairs, tables, and computers, employees can just bring their own laptops with them, allowing your business to save more money and avoid extra spending.
How to Get Free USA RDP Account Username and Password With 2GB, 4GB, 12GB, 24GB RAM?
We have come to the most important part of this tutorial and here I will show you how you can get a Free USA RDP username and password with RAMs of 2GB, 4GB, 12GB, and 24GB. Follow the steps below.
👉 Click Here and go to this Website and you will see a page similar to this.
👉 Scroll to the bottom till you see a section similar to that below where you will choose your desired RDP account capacity.
Choose the capacity of your choice between 2GB, 4GB, 12GB, and 24GB, and click on Get Started.
Note that the 12GB and 24GB need some referrals before they can be used so you can go in for 2GB or 4GB for a start.
👉 Once you click on Sign up you will be taken to the next page where you will have to select the RDP server location from a list of servers presented to you.
- Select the Server location that suits you and click on ORDER NOW. Don’t worry, it is totally free.
👉 You will be presented with some specifications to choose for your RDP; Which are-
CPU Cores
RAM and
Internet Speed
For all options, choose the maximum capacity and then click on Continue in the little box on the right side.
👉 On the next page, click on “Checkout” simply.
👉 On the next page, you will have to fill out the registration form in order to signup. Just fill the registration form and submit the Captcha code in the box and click on Complete Order.
✦ Immediately after doing this, your order will be placed and you will see a confirmation code on the next page.
What you will need to do next is
Verify your email address with the link they will send to your email box. If you don’t see it in your email box then, check your spam box for the email.
Click the Continue to Client Area. If you don’t see this, then simply log into your account.
👉 Once you log in to your Client Area,, you will some pins which will easily help you navigate your account. We are interested here in the way we are going to get the RDP login. So, click on Your Active Products/Services.
👉 Select the previously registered product in the next screen and click on it to show its details. If you have just one product then you will be shown the only product you registered for.
👉 The screen below will be shown to you where you can manage your product. You will have two options:
Configuration Options
RDP Login Details
Click on RDP Login Details to get your RDP Login which you will use to connect to the RDP Server.
Step 10: Now use the Host, Username, and Password to connect to the RDP Server on your PC.
These are the Step you get the Free usa RDP username and password. Go to is most of the popular company that offers Free RDP servers. Follow these steps and get a Free USA RDP username and password.